What to Expect in Leo Season 2020

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Hold your horses y’all, Leo Season is in full swing! About every 30 days or so, our sun shifts into a new astrological sign. This creates an energetic shift that affects us all (no matter what our individual signs may be). From July 22nd to August 22nd we are in the vibrant, playful, and magnanimous sign of Leo! This is a big shift from the introspective and emotional sign of watery cancer that we experienced last month. Now it’s time to reap the benefits of our introspection during Cancer season, and shine our growth out to the world!! Here is your ultimate guide for what to Expect in Leo Season 2020!

So, grab your party hats, it’s time to vibe with this lively Leo sign! Leo season provides the perfect time to connect with your inner lion (or lioness, if you will). Use that courageous lion energy to express your best self. Whether you have a secret inner desire or are already actively working on your passion project, now is the time to share that with the world! Here is your guide to navigating this Leo tide!

The Leo Essentials:

Dates: July 22nd- August 22nd
Element: Fire
Ruling Planet: Sun
Colors: Gold, Yellow, Orange
Stone: Diamond, Carnelian, Garnet, Topaz
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Power Flower: Marigolds and Sunflowers
Superfoods Company Product: Superfood Tabs!

Our in house Leo thinks Superfood Tabs is the purrrfect thing to keep you roaring towards your goals through the Summer heat. Being cool, refreshing, and most importantly, energizing, Superfoods Tabs can give you the extra oomph you need to keep you motivated and magnanimous this summer!

5 Tips to Help You Rock this Leo Season

1. Follow Your Heart

Leo energy is also BIG HEART energy! Take some time to sit down and connect with your hearts deepest desires. Have you been wanting to take on a new artistic project, tell that special someone how you feel, or maybe start working to make an impact in your community? Carpe diem! If the next step feels scary, it’s probably the right one. You have the universal fires burning full force to support you as you take those first steps.

2. Flaunt the True You

Nothing is more fabulous than someone rocking their own personal power! Our Leo friends are the masters of charisma and charm, which means it time to take a page from the Leo guidebook. What makes you feel unstoppable? If you are feeling stuck, try expressing yourself through style! Just because you are working from home doesn’t mean you can’t look totally fabulous. Put on that awesome outfit you have been saving or try out that new hairstyle you’ve been considering for months. This Leo energy is sure to make your true confidence come through, empowering you to take action on your heart’s desires!

3. Find your Inspiration

Leos teach us to appreciate beauty in all its forms! From jewels to fine art, our lion friends love to surround themselves with lovely things. Find what inspires you to be creative. Do you love watching old movies, reading about the latest fashion trends, or diving into a fantasy novel? Find something special that will light your internal fire and give yourself an indulgent treat. Take some time once you are done to brainstorm about what you would like to create and use you newfound inspo to jump into the first steps. Whether its just for you, or something to share with the world, it’s worth it!

4. Play, Play and Play Some More

The ruling “planet” for the sign of Leo is the Sun! In astrology the sun is seen as representing the vital life-force that gives life to us all. Honor this by setting aside some special time play in the sunshine! Fall in the natural flow of excitement and upbeat energy, connect with your inner child and play. Find a pretty watering hole to cool off in, or lounge in the sun by the beach with a friend (within social distancing parameters of course). Time to get those sun kissed streaks running through your mane! If the great outdoors is out of the question, be sure to set aside some time to be silly and connect with your inner-child. You can always bust out your favorite childhood board game or maybe even a color by numbers – the options are limitless!

5. Potential Challenges to Confront

For some of us out there, outgoing fire energy is all fun and games, but for others, it can be a bit overwhelming. If you’re a natural introvert, use this upbeat time to tap into that outgoing piece of yourself. Challenge yourself to spend more time with friends (even if it must be digitally) and try to relax by taking yourself just a little less seriously!

Leo energy inspires us all to be center stage, so one thing to watch out for is a little extra drama this season! With everyone’s voice getting just a little bit louder, conflict can come up. Just remember to handle conflicts with grace and compassion. Use that big heart energy to resolve any drama that floats your way!

So, for once, go play with fire (not literally of course). Get out there and be the most magnificent version of you. The world deserves to see you in your full glory and you couldn’t pick a better time to show it!