Venture into Virgo Season 2020

Reading Time: 5 minutes

It’s that time again! Virgo Season 2020 is on the rise, which means we are moving with a new universal groove. No matter what your personal sign is, the Virgo influence affects us all! It’s all about getting your mind right, and simplifying your life. From August 22nd to September 21st, we are going to feel the effects of analytical, grounded, and altruistic Virgo! Last month we reveled in the luxurious and fun-loving sign of Leo, summoning the courage to make our true selves known to the world. So now, with those goals in sight, its time to get grounded and lean on pragmatism and efficiency to make our dreams come true!

Virgo Season 2020: The General Vibe

Expand your mind and tidy up your life! Virgo season provides the perfect opportunity for self-improvement and learning. Has that cluttered backroom been shouting for some attention lately? Have you been dying to delve into a new study? Whether you have some serious personal goals, or you just need to get organized, now is the perfect time to get it done. Analytical Virgo vibes are at your side, helping you to accomplish goals and expand your knowledge-base in the most practical and streamlined way.

Woman sitting in the grass
Try to put down the electronics and ground yourself.
When life feels overwhelming this month, take a few moments to kick off your
shoes and sit in the grass a while to soak in this strong grounded vibe!

The Virgo Essentials

Dates: August 22nd- September 21st
Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Colors: Mauve, Moss Green, Taupe, Grey, Sea green
Stone: Moss Agate, Blue Sapphire, Zircon, Chrysocolla
Chakra: Throat Chakra
Power Flower: Aster and Morning Glories
Superfoods Company Product: Super Amazing Coffee!

Woman drinking Super Amazing Coffee
We think this coffee is amazing to support that Virgo organizational vibe. It packs a nutritional punch, keeping you healthy and happy, while giving you the energy you need to start off the day with a bang and get organized. What’s not to love?!

5 Tips to Help you Master Virgo Season 2020

1. Gather a Healthy Supply of Brainfood

Been wanting to learn an instrument, or delve into a new subject for study? Now is the time to dive right in. Virgo energy is highly focused on mental stimulation and knowledge acquirement. They are experts in “knowing the why” and picking up the gritty details of any subject. Be sure to surround yourself with interesting subjects to explore. It could be a new book, art, docu-series; you name it. Use the Virgo energy to your benefit this season and start honing in on that skill you have been dying to perfect!

Try drinking Super Amazing Coffee to boost your focus while learning!

2. Organize, Organize and … Organize Some More

Whether your home needs a makeover or you just want to organize your daily life, Virgo season brings us the perfect universal support to get this done. Virgo energy is about building a safe and stable environment. Developing a healthy daily routine can really help to accomplish this. Spend some time planning out some healthy daily rituals or block out some time to spruce up your dwelling. House plants are a super fun way to amp up the energy of your home space! Let the universal tides help you get into the organizational mood and things that seemed challenging before may feel less daunting now!

Woman doing yoga and drinking Superfood Tabs
Are you happy with your diet and daily habits? Consider any changes you might want to make here and spend some time planning how you would like to accomplish these goals. Virgo has got your back as you start to achieve them!

3. Devote Time to your Personal Wellness

Virgos are all about feeling safe and secure in their environment as well as in our most permanent homes; our bodies! Virgo reminds us to take care of our health and wellness so that we can live the most comfortable and safe lives possible. Now is a great time to do some navel gazing and consider how well you are taking care of yourself. Do you spend enough time just taking care of you? Are you happy with your diet and daily habits? Consider any changes you might want to make here and spend some time planning how you would like to accomplish these goals. Virgo has got your back as you start to achieve them!

4. Find ways to Ground your Energy

As an earth sign, Virgo energy grounds us in the physical world. To feel more grounded, imagine yourself as a tree. Trees stay solid in their course at all times as they draw nourishment up from their roots and soak in energy from the sun. They exist in deep harmony with the earth and all things that surround them. With all the hustle and bustle of daily life, it can be easy to forget the general magic of the planet we are living on. Grounding yourself intentionally can help remind you of that beauty, giving you the peace of mind you need to form a practical solution to any issue.

Woman drinking Superfood Tabs after exercising at a beautiful lake

The inherent earthliness of the Virgo energy helps to remind us to stay grounded in our roots, , and stay strong no matter what life throws at us, just like the trees. When life feels overwhelming this month, take a few moments to kick off your shoes and sit in the grass a while to soak in this strong grounded vibe! Remember that whatever happens, you have what you need to make it through and you are supported!

5. Challenges to Expect

You can expect two main challenges to pop up during this time: being to hard on yourself and a tendency to be “too” helpful. There will be a lot going on this season, with fall on the rise and school back in session (in a totally new style due to COVID-19), things might feel pretty intensely busy! Firstly, while the Virgo energy supports growth, it also comes with a tendency to enhance self-judgement. It becomes easy to blame yourself for any lapses in perfection. Don’t get too caught up in making everything you do perfect. Try to remember that sometimes, “done beats perfect”. If you feel overwhelmed, practice some personal grounding techniques like deep breathing or going barefoot in some soft grass outside!

Another wonderful aspect of Virgo is the altruism it represents. Virgo energy inspires a helpful attitude and encourages us to lend a helping hand. That being said, be mindful not to provide help where it is not requested. This can sometimes come off as being critical, even though we only have the pure intent to offer assistance.

Virgo Season 2020 In Conclusion

By the end of this season, we hope you feel accomplished, organized and ready to move upward and onward with your personal goals. Virgo season offers such a wonderful energy to have with you as you expand your thinking and enhance your quality of life. Stay tuned for what’s to come next season as we come into the lovely sign of Libra!

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To learn more about Superfood Tabs and Super Amazing Coffee, click here!