Beauty Food for a Gorgeous Summer Glow

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Ever heard the phrase “beauty starts starts within”? Turns out, it’s true! So true, that what we eat has a significant effect on how our skin looks and feels. I know the latest topical skincare trends are typically at the forefront of our awareness these days. BUT, have you ever thought about nourishing your skin from the inside-out instead? So, if you are ready to feel great flaunting no makeup at the pool this summer, keep reading for a list of scrumptious beauty food that will give your skin a natural & radiant glow!

woman with beautiful skin enjoying Apple Cider Vinegar gummies
Flaunt your most beautiful skin at the beach this summer with our Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies!

Beauty Food: The Why

Our skin in the largest organ in our body! Complex layers of protein (like keratin and collagen, for example) work together to form the dermal layers in our skin. In order to keep our skin looking totally gorgeous, it’s important to consume all the right nutrients needed for building these proteins.

When we don’t have the right nutrients in our diet, it makes it harder for our skin to regenerate healthy new cells. Fatty acids are super important for skin health because they are the essential building blocks for proteins. Additionally, antioxidants are vital for skin health. Antioxidants are agents that help protect cells against oxidation (oxidation is the process by which cells are ultimately destroyed).

By consuming antioxidants, you are protecting your skin from dangerous sun rays and free radicals, all while keeping your skin smooth, supple, and wrinkle-free.  

Woman holding Super Amazing Coffee and Super Amazing Creamer.
Try our Super Amazing Coffee & Super Amazing Creamer to get your beauty food in for the day!

Beauty Food: The What

Beauty food is food that inherently nourishes a healthy complexion. These foods will help you look gorgeous and feel amazing too! Beauty food provides our skin with proteins, fats and other nutrients that help our skin stay protected and refreshed.

While we all have our favorite lotions & potions that help us feel fabulous about our skin, nourishing your skin from the inside out can have a significant impact as well. Who knew that getting that natural dewy glow for your skin could be as simple as adding a few items to your daily diet?

Check out our list of essential beauty food below!

Don’t forget to stay hydrated! Hydration is key to healthy, glowing skin!

5 Essential Beauty Foods

1. Fatty Fish

Fatty fish, like salmon and tuna, is full of protein and essential fatty acids. Fish is a great source of omega-3 vitamins! As a result of the high nutrient density in fish, eating it helps helps your skin stay hydrated and strengthens your skin through all the dermal layers. One of my favorite ways to incorporate this item into my diet is by eating smoked salmon with avocado toast for breakfast! So decadent and delicious!  

Slice of bread with avocado, smoked salmon and fresh basil leaves
Salmon and avocado are a powerful beauty inspiring duo!

2. Avocado

Like fish, avocado is loaded with healthy fatty acids! This makes it a great alternative to fish for all the vegetarians and vegans out there. To boost its skin smoothing powers, avocado also has a high content of of vitamins C & E. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, and vitamin E helps promote skin elasticity! A great way to include avocado into your daily ritual is by popping some into an afternoon smoothing! (Pro-tip: It tastes delicious in smoothies with banana and a scoop of Super Amazing Coffee!).

Super Amazing Creamer is loaded with collagen & hyaluronic acid, making it the perfect compliment to avocados in your beauty food smoothies!

3. Berries

Berries are easy to add into any almost any diet plan and are one of the most antioxidant-rich foods around. They help keep your skin glowing by offering an ample supply of vitamin C, folate and manganese vitamins. Additionally, there are all kinds of berries available so you have plenty of options to keep things fresh. I love to indulge my sweet tooth with a small bowl of strawberries and coconut cream for dessert in the evenings!

Berry drink in glass on table
If you’re on the go, get your dose of berry beautiful benefits from the goji berry in Superfood Tabs!

4. Green Tea

Like your favorite berries, green tea is full of antioxidants! Not to mention, it is inherently energizing for your body and mind. Additionally, green tea has wonderful anti-inflammatory properties so it helps your complexion stay clear and smooth!  Try swapping our your morning coffee for a hot cup of green tea every once and while.

It’s a delightful, refreshing way to start the day. That being said, if you love your coffee, we’ve got you covered! Super Amazing Coffee actually includes both coffee and green tea extract, so you can get the best of both worlds!

5. Coconut

Consuming coconut is amazing for your skin! The nutrients in coconut actually help your skin to produce collagen naturally. Additionally, it helps the body stay hydrated with natural electrolytes.

With that being said, hydrated skin is happy skin! Coconut contains fatty acids that help boost our ability to produce skin protein. Not to mention, it has a ton of antioxidants too. Try drinking bottle of coconut water on the daily, or test out our Super Amazing Creamer in your morning coffee to see what coconut can do for you!

coconut in sand
Coconut can totally help get your skin get beach ready and beautiful!

Beauty Food: It’s that Simple!

These foods won’t just help your skin look good, but they will help your body feel great too. Beauty foods are a great way to get excited about healthy snacks. For me, its super empowering to know the foods I am eating have some wonderful benefits for my body beyond a tasty flavor.

Overall, its most important to find foods that you enjoy AND that support your overall health and wellbeing. So now that you’ve got the skinny on these beauty foods, go whip up some tasty snacks. Let your skin radiate your inner beauty to the outside world!

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